How Long Can Dimpleplasty Results Last?
Many people consider a dimpled smile charming and attractive, so it's no surprise that dimpleplasty is one of our most popular cosmetic treatments at Timeless Plastic Surgery. This minimally invasive procedure involves creating small indentations in the cheeks to mimic a naturally occurring dimple.
If you are considering dimple creation surgery, it's important to understand what you can realistically expect from your results. Call now to book an appointment with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Peter Chang and discuss your options. Our team in Houston, TX is dedicated to helping you look and feel your best.
Are you a suitable candidate for dimpleplasty?
Some people long for dimples all their lives but were born without them. Because there's no way to create the appearance of natural dimples on our own, dimpleplasty could be an effective way to achieve this look. This procedure can also restore a dimple that has become less pronounced with age or create a second dimple if someone only has one.
No matter your needs, Dr. Chang can personalize your treatment plan to create subtle or pronounced dimples based on your unique preferences.
How does dimpleplasty work?
Timeless Plastic Surgery performs dimpleplasty as a simple outpatient procedure in about 20 – 30 minutes with a local anesthetic. Dr. Chang creates a small incision inside the cheek and removes a small piece of muscle. Because there are no cuts on the outside of the cheek, no outer cheek skin scarring is expected. The remaining tissue is then attached to the underside of the skin with a dissolvable suture. Once the procedure is complete, your new dimples should be visible when smiling. Sometimes, your dimples will be prominent even when not smiling.
What happens after a dimpleplasty?
Some swelling and discomfort is normal after a dimpleplasty, but side effects can be relieved with pain medications and a cool compress. Dr. Chang provides detailed aftercare instructions to make the most of your stunning results in Houston, TX.
Your dimples may appear deep at first and then soften as the skin around the area stretches to accommodate the new dimples. Timeless Plastic Surgery can schedule a follow-up appointment two weeks after your cosmetic treatment so we can monitor your progress. Most people reach their final results 3-6 months after dimple creation procedure.
How long will my dimpleplasty results last?
The results of dimpleplasty are considered long-lasting but not necessarily permanent. This is because factors like age, gravity, and weight fluctuations may cause the dimples to become less pronounced over the years. There are no guarantees that your dimples will stay the same as your face changes.
Get natural dimples with dimple creation surgery.
Dimples are a great way to draw attention to your smile. To learn more about dimpleplasty, call Timeless Plastic Surgery at our Houston, TX office. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Peter Chang understands the importance of realistic results and can guide you through the process every step of the way. Schedule an appointment to see how this cosmetic treatment can help you achieve your goals.