What Is miraDry?
Underarm sweating while nervous or exercising is completely normal, but excessive perspiration that discolors your clothing and triggers a foul odor is actually a medical condition called hyperhidrosis. Timeless Plastic Surgery provides assistance with excessive underarm perspiration with the miraDry system. miraDry by Miramar Labs is FDA approved to target and destroy perspiration and odor glands from the underarms. Because you have roughly two million sweat glands spread over your body with approximately only 2% in your underarms, you can most definitely do without these. You'll likely enjoy your busy life more without being concerned about sweat marks, stickiness, deodorant streaks, and powerful smells. miraDry is a quick, nonsurgical process employed by Dr. Peter Chang to help Houston, TX patients rid their lives of underarm perspiration.
miraDry® Reviews
Am I a Good Candidate for miraDry?
miraDry will help anybody who wishes to take control of the perspiration and odor in their underarms. miraDry is an excellent option if you:
- Have persistent issues with excessive underarm perspiration
- Regularly have discoloration in the armpit area of your tops
- Wish to avoid the dangerous toxins and chemicals found in antiperspirant
- Are humiliated by the odor from your underarms
- Wish to feel fresher and cleaner
How Does miraDry Work?
To begin your therapy, the region is cleaned, marked, then numbed using a topical anesthetic to help you feel comfortable throughout your treatment. Next, the miraDry wand will be passed across the skin, applying mild suction to pull the sweat glands nearer to the top layer of the skin. The miraWave tempered technology works on the perspiration and odor glands whereas the outer layer of the skin is kept cool with the applicator. Most sessions take approximately an hour, and you can relax comfortably during the procedure.
What to Expect from miraDry
Following your therapy, your underarms may experience minor numbness, tingling, swelling, or soreness for a couple of days, but you'll have an instant decrease in underarm perspiration. Sweat glands don't grow back when they are eliminated, which means that your results will be long-lasting. To receive the best outcome possible, two sessions performed approximately 2 – 3 months apart are highly recommended. You may return to your daily activities immediately following your procedure, but it's ideal to avoid heavy activity, such as exercise, for about a week.
miraDry FAQ
Is it safe?
miraDry has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of hyperhidrosis, or excessive underarm sweat. As a very small number of your total sweat glands are found beneath the arms, it is very safe to remove the ones responsible for the condition (hyperhidrosis).
Am I a candidate for miraDry?
If you are a man or woman that is experiencing excessive and potentially embarrassing underarm sweat, miraDry treatments may be right for you. miraDry can also be used in other areas of the body. Ask Dr. Chang for more information about potential treatment areas.
How many treatments?
The majority of patients will need at least two treatments spaced 2 – 3 months apart, although many patients notice results after their first miraDry treatment. Clinical studies have shown that most patients will have an 80% reduction in underarm perspiration after their second treatment.
Eliminate Worry
Stop fretting about underarm perspiration and odor with this quick, simple solution from Timeless Plastic Surgery. Save your clothing from perspiration discoloration and deodorant streaks and rescue your skin from toxic substances found in the majority of antiperspirants. Regardless of how hard you exercise or how nervous you get, you will still look calm, cool, and put together. Call our Houston, TX clinic today to find out more or to set up your consultation.