Is Dimpleplasty Worth It? The Timeless Dimple Definitely Is!
The dimpled smiles of celebrities like Cheryl Cole, Mario Lopez and Jennifer Garner have always drawn fans. Recently, they’ve inspired those fans to get dimples of their own.
“Everyone in Hollywood has them, and everybody is wanting them,” Dr. Chang said of the dimple craze. Although women make up the majority of requests, the procedure is also popular among men, who want the “Mario Lopez” look.
What is Dimpleplasty?
Natural dimples are muscle defects in the cheek where skin is stuck to the underlying tissue. The dimple may exist permanently or appear only when someone smiles. While some dimples stay through adulthood, many fade away as a child grows up and the defect disappears due to maturation of the cheek muscle.
The Dimpleplasty procedure is the newest trend in cosmetic surgery. Dr. Peter Chang of Timeless Plastic Surgery in Sugar Land, says he now performs four times as many dimpleplasty procedures as he did just a couple of years ago to keep the Houston-surrouding-area smiling!
How does Dimpleplasty procedure work?
Dimple creation consists of the doctor making a tiny incision inside a patient’s cheek. There are no cuts on the outside of the face. A small piece of cheek muscle is removed, and the remaining muscle is attached to the underside of the skin with dissolvable suture. The incision on the inside of the cheek leaves a permanent indentation in the skin, creating the dimple.
The entire out-patient procedure requires only a local anesthetic and takes about 30 minutes. The patient can expect minimal temporary swelling, and the dimples will be deeper at first, Dr. Chang says, but look natural within a couple of months. While the dimples may appear at all times initially, over time they are visible only when the patient smiles.
What are the benefits of the Timeless Dimple?
The “Timeless Dimple” offered only at Timeless Plastic Surgery is an updated modification of the original procedure made to be more predictable, said Dr. Chang, one of the few area cosmetic surgeons who offers the service. “Dimples can be more personalized,” Dr. Chang added. “Patients can choose designer dimples; they may want them long, short, deep, shallow, etc.” The patient also chooses exactly where they would like the dimples to be on their cheeks.
Dimples have always been seen as cute, and they brighten a smile. Certain cultures even consider them good luck.
What Else Can I Pair With A Dimpleplasty?
Dr. Chang has helped many patients rejuvenate their faces with a combination of procedures. In the video below, you can see how other patients opted for facial contouring in addition to dimpleplasty:
How Much Does Dimpleplasty Cost?
Dimpleplasty can cost anywhere from $4000 to $5000, but Dr. Chang will assess the goals of a patient and assess a price accordingly. Timeless Plastic Surgery will occassionally run promotions and discounts on dimpleplasty procedures throughout the year. Give their Sugar Land, TX office a call to book a consultation.
The Timeless dimple creation is unique. Dr. Chang has perfected his own personal techniques over 10 years of doing dimpleplasty. There are cheaper "clones and imitations", but in the end, they come see Dr. Chang for revisions of dimples done elsewhere.
Many patients have traveled across the United States to Sugar Land (near Houston, TX) to have their dimpleplasty procedure done. We will try to find help find a price that works for you if you are traveling a long distance.
Why Choose Timeless Plastic Surgery in Sugar Land?
Dr. Chang has more than 20 years of training and experience in cosmetic surgery and has earned two Ivy League degrees and two doctorate degrees. He has garnered attention from local, out of state, and even out of country patients from being published in American and international medical journals, as well as Cosmopolitan magazine. Dr. Chang is trusted in the community for his personal “Concierge” and professional service.
Timeless Plastic Surgery is located outside of Houston next to St. Luke’s Sugar Land Hospital at 1327 Lake Pointe Parkway, Suite 300. Visit Dr. Chang's before and after photos to learn more about dimple creation and photos of the patients on whom he has performed the procedure.