What Can I Do About Gynecomastia?
It is estimated that around 15 percent of males suffer from gynecomastia. While it is a fairly common disorder, gynecomastia can leave deep emotional scars in boys and men who suffer from it. Dr. Peter Chang has been helping patients in the Houston, TX area overcome this problem with an easy solution.
What is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is rarely discussed, and it is often surrounded by many negative implications and embarrassment. Gynecomastia is the overdevelopment of male breast tissue caused by an overproduction of estrogen or an underproduction of testosterone.
In preteen and teenage boys, gynecomastia is often the result of natural hormone imbalances or diseases affecting the pituitary gland, adrenal gland, or testicles. In adult males, gynecomastia can be a result of disease, weight gain, drugs (marijuana, methamphetamine, heroin), medication, or steroids. In fact, it is prevalent in avid drug and steroid users.
How is Gynecomastia Treated?
Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction surgery, fixes more than aesthetics of the chest; it also helps heal the wounds that embarrassment and self-loathing may have caused.
Gynecomastia is typically marked by swollen glandular breast tissue. You may also experience pain and breast tenderness. While the preconceived notion of gynecomastia is that it occurs just in overweight men, we also often see it in men who have a good general physique. Many medications for unrelated problems can cause the development of gynecomastia.It is common for us to treat bodybuilders with cases of gynecomastia. The fact is that the development of gynecomastia says nothing about you as a man, and luckily it is easily treatable.
At Timeless Plastic Surgery, we perform male breast reduction surgery to treat patients with gynecomastia. Your treatment may begin with liposuction to remove the fat surrounding the glands. This can help reduce the appearance of female-like breasts, but the nipples may still remain “puffy” if you do not remove the gland. To take out the gland, a small incision is created under the nipple area. These incisions are small, and they are placed so that any scarring will be inconspicuous.
We at Timeless Plastic Surgery understand that gynecomastia can be an embarrassing and uncomfortable condition to discuss. That’s why we ensure that each patient is treated with the utmost respect and discretion possible. It is our desire to help our patients reclaim their confidence and satisfaction with their bodies.
It is important to note that if your gynecomastia developed because of drug or steroid use, continued use after your surgery may cause the recurrence of gynecomastia.
If you feel that male breast reduction surgery can help improve your appearance and restore your self-esteem, schedule your consultation today. Make your appointment by calling our office at (281) 242-8463 (TIME), or fill out our online contact form for more information.