Understanding Brow Lift: What to Expect from Dr. Peter Chang at Timeless Plastic

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Low brows getting you down? A Brow-Lift could be the treatment for you! If you're considering this cosmetic procedure to enhance your appearance, you've come to the right place. Dr. Peter Chang at Timeless Plastic Surgery is here to help tackle your signs of aging. With a background in maxillofacial surgery, Dr. Chang will do a full facial evaluation to provide the best possible treatment options for you.

What makes a good Brow Lift candidate?

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin to help reduce wrinkles and creases on the forehead, as well as raise sagging brows. If you have noticed signs in aging causing your brows to droop or become heavy, this procedure can give your face a more refreshed and youthful appearance. 

Brow Lift procedures can also be paired with other facial procedures to provide further facial rejuvenation. The brows and eyelids are often considered a cohesive unit. When the brows lower during the aging process, this directly affects the upper eyelids causing hooding to worsen. Pairing a Brow Lift with Eye Lid lifts (upper/lower/both) can take years off of the aging process allowing the entire eye area to be open and bright.

What should I expect from a Brow Lift procedure?

During a brow lift procedure, Dr. Chang will make small incisions either along the hairline or within the hair-bearing scalp. Through these incisions, he will adjust the underlying tissue and muscles to smooth out wrinkles and lift the brows to a more aesthetically pleasing position. 

After the surgery, you can expect some swelling and bruising, which is normal and will subside over time. The downtime for a brow lift procedure is typically minimal, and most patients can return to their regular activities after a week. 

If you're considering a brow lift, schedule a consultation with Dr. Peter Chang at Timeless Plastic Surgery. He will discuss your goals, evaluate your candidacy for the procedure, and guide you through what to expect before, during, and after the surgery. Dr. Chang is here to assist patients in the Houston surrounding areas with their facial rejuvenation journeys. Enhance your look and boost your confidence with a brow lift today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.